Guys... guys... guys... guys... guys

For all upcoming posts, be sure to label each as you see fit. This is for easier access to previous information kuz we are now 60+ posts. FEEL ME! ! =^.^=

Monday, May 31, 2010


Marco! Polo!

i knew this was real! yes i realize it's a demotivational poster but that's a real pic and it's on the interwebs

i just cant believe this guy

hows this guy going to look just like me
why wasnt he at poke party??

D Whip meme


The Brick has arrived

my bday was a pretty decent representation of the inside of my asshole

id like to start by giving out a few thanks
firstly the spectators performed brilliantly. the gambling really gave me a confidence booster. and the cheering and jeering. i never wanted anything more than good ol shit talking.

secondly, id like to give two big dicks way way up for the harp for his fantastic officiating. he kept us all in line. i cant tell you how many times i heard "SIT THE FUCK DOWN"

thirdly id like to thank myself for waxin ass.

secondly, to panther curse and brick. that shit was amazing. best bday of my life. i really appreciate all that you guys went through to make it a smashing success. heres to you silly niggas

lastly. ive got some major shit to talk about the 'captain'

you are a sorry son of a bitch and nobody likes you.
you traded pokemon after you saw my team
and that is bullshit and you are my mortal enemy from here on out.
if anyone but us ever reid-s this. they are gonna think, "woah. that 'tin can' is way petty."
i dont give a single shit how petty i am
the curse is the only one who deserves to have beat me
the captain is a cheap lucky little shit.
and we all know i had him

love you all
and this is for you guys

Saturday, May 29, 2010

i wanna take you for a ride

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

new fave hobby


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

lettin my hair down for the second time

PANTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just threw up some mountain dew
that shit hurts comin' up.

just cute

A Love Song

I'll never forget the day i first laid eyes on you
I'll never forget love at first sight
I can't keep my mind off of all of the wonderful things we got to experience together
To think i almost missed out on you
Maybe it was a god that laid his bored hands onto all of our tired pink sun burnt shoulders.
Maybe he whispered into our ears that there could in fact be beautiful things on what we all saw as an ugly planet.
Stupid children is what we all were before you came into our pathetic lives
Thanks so much for making my entire life worth it
Heres to you

readface - damn girl

big news


slip n slide- im in the streets like every day

im so in love with john

im so in love with norah


nobody gets me like you

i am strong and unashamed

is that a chevy sixty 9?

im sorry im not always there for my sons


Here are some of my favorite music videos. I think these are better than the tim mcgraw, but you might think otherwise. Feel free to share some of your favorite videos. EDIT: some of the best ones had embedding disabled. Make sure you check the links.

ODB - Baby i got ya monay

primus - wynona's big brown beaver

rolling stones - miss you

friendly fires - skeleton boy

bjork - triumph of the heart

hot chip - i feel better

foo fighters - my hero

flying lotus - parisian goldfish (FNSFFWMF)

weezer - el scorcho

busta rhymes - gimme some mo

the black dahlia murder - miasma

and finally....


^^^^^WATCH IT^^^^^^

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

jah cred

id love to start off this beautiful day by saying that i just listened to all of that jah cred
im gonna have to give that two thumbs way way up
you just have no idea how out of line you are harp

Repeat: Martains Have Landed!

One of them dropped these off.

We will welcome him unto the horde soon enough. ;)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Aliens And Predators

i am watching predator right now. and god dammit if i dont think aliens vs. predators is the shit
fuck the new movies i cant believe some hollywood piece of shit was given tons of money and didn make the fuckin cooolest movie ever. how was the new avp game??

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lakai 001

Skateboardanimation from Tilles Singer on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Starters and updated pix for B and W

The new trainers are older than they have been in the previous games and the starters are just as goofy as ever.


The internet is now having a field day with the release of the starters.

And a reference to the popular anime program Soul Eater has developed, comparing the new grass starter to none other than his swordly holiness, Excalibur.

Ohhhh fans to Serebii


Gods And GellyFishes

as the three of them sat alone along the empty beach enjoying what the small moment that could have only been allotted to them by some unheard of god because certainly the god that the captain was used to had just smite ol' new orleans. it just could not be the one and the same god. surely there are many ponders the walk in the panthers ears. the captain has been going since the sun went down yesterday and through rounds and rounds of makeshift beer pong bullshit panther and walked somehow managed to continue on trudging with the captain throughout the night. the merchant and the martian just said fuck it and slept the night through. so off they go. down the stairs. cool warm breeze blowing through the walks hair. he looks retarded. we all look retarded. god dammit. anyways the hours drift by and by. ill just skip over this part because the Captain was very drunk and very outspoken and very belligerent and very annoying. so i will spare you all of the ignorant prattle dressed up and paraded around like those young girls that have parents that make them start walking fucking straight pageant walks as toddlers. sick. i digress. fuck it

i guess we are right back to where we started. we see three young boys under the influence of all of the scum and trash of america that we could pile up. they have never seen a sunrise before. as awful as maybe there tender bellys may feel from the ungodly ammounts of booze they remain calm. they sit their youth aside for a moment and accept this gorgeous sunrise for every thing that it is. to this day they are still not grown ups. but in that moment they felt it all.

picture this please.

all at once the boys emerge from their chosen spots in the sand. they want to wake the morning up. a guy told me that that was impossible. and i split his fucking lip. they ran down into the chilly ocean. do you see the sun coming up behind them? it was going to be a glorious day.

somethings wrong.
the panther is the first to yowl. but once it pops the fun don't stop. many a tourist were awoken to the screeches of these three boys. a swarm of jelly fish just happened to be in the exact spot that they dove face first into. here they were on the cusp of the best day of their lives. beautiful sunrise. they tried so hard for just those moments to truly make that day a dream come true.
so in closing i guess i say that that moment is a dream come true for those three boys. find me some one else that tells of this story. until then it is their dream only.

p.s. i would also like to point out that after all of the captains babbling about his god and who he was worshiping that month/what smart christian beautiful young lady he was fucking and corupting that day.

i just want to say that if your god is real. he smite you with jellyfish on that warm breezy morn.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



Eau de Toilette

(ay de mí)


Details@The Smoking Gun